Saturday, January 9, 2021

Emmily Unbound Coming Soon

 I'm a writer. This is my page. 

Funny, those two sentences are declarations I feel I need to make.

I've been at this for fifteen years. A few short stories published in romance anthologies, yet never a book of my own. 

But, get ready. Here it comes! (That was probably meant for me too. ).

The title is Emmily Unbound. No, it's not BDSM. ~smiling~  It's Science-fiction Romance. Cover Reveal coming soon! Here's the blurb:

After losing everything that bound her to her ordinary and happy life, Emmily has one plan: move to the mountains and never-ever give her heart away again.

     But everything goes sideways when a UFO crash-lands nearby, and on a desolate road she’s waylaid by men demanding help for their injured ‘General’. He’s confused, bleeding, and sweet Lord, good looking—even while sneering and growling at her.
     Fleeing an ambush meant to kill him, Gen Rael is gravely injured when his ship crashes on Earth. The human woman his crew captures to aid them is a confounding mixture of terrified, defiant, and captivating. A female distraction is the last thing his hindered mission can afford. But this Emmily woman is cutting through the steel wall he keeps around his heart.
     Despite being their hostage, Emmily isn’t blind to the peril they’re in: there’s a threat coming from the stars, and it’s lethal to all of them, including her.
     And her simple plan to never-ever fall in love again? Looks like that’s in peril too…

Slow Progress is Still Progress--Moving Forward

       Slow progress is still progress...moving forward...  I need to remind myself of that a little more often these days.  I've always...